Fire Investigation
Randy is currently an electric sign, display and
outline lighting system specialist doing consulting
as RKW Consulting for electric signs, neon signs,
LEDs, display and lighting systems to assist in the
prevention of electrical fires. Fire investigation as
it related to fire cause and origin. Provide expert
testimony, reports and forensic demonstrations
to identify possible ignition sources.
Related Seminars
“Litigation and How to Prevent it” “Working with Your Electrical Inspector”
“How to
Become A Listed Company”
Installation Education, Safety, Specification Review.
RKW Consulting provides educational training,
product review, personal safety for electric sign
personnel, end users, product manufacturers,
fire investigators, electrical inspectors, code and
zoning personnel. RKW Consulting is retained as
a consultant for end users, product manufacturers
and sign associations to assist with electrical
codes and Standards.
Codes and Standards:
Being a Code Panel member on CMP Code Panel 18
since the 1987 code cycle. Randy has been involved
in the complete rewrite of Article 600, in 1993, instrumental
in adding the “Twisted Connection”. Restricting the use of
unsafe plastics, and assisting in the development of
Secondary-Circuit Ground-Fault protection for power supplies.
Current changes to require listing of LED retrofit kits, added
a Section in Article 600 on low voltage wiring methods,
requiring Class 2 power supplies and conditions of use
for low voltage wiring.
UL Standards Technical Panels STP
As an STP member to help create, update and modify
content for the following UL Standards:
UL 48 Electric Signs
UL 814/2592 sign wire
UL 2161 Neon Transformers and Electronic Power Supplies
UL 879 Electric Sign Components
UL 879a LED Sign and Sign Retrofit Kits
UL 1598c Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Luminaire Conversion Kits
UL 0970 (Standards 970-65) Merchandising Displays and Wired cabinets
UL Sign Industry Business Panel
Members representing three Sign Associations and UL Representatives.
Trade Publications and Articles:
Randy has written articles for Sign Builder Illustrated, Fire Litigation Perspectives, Code Corner, PA Association of Arson Investigators, I.A.E.I. News, USSC newsletters. Technical bulletins for Grounding and Bonding, LED Signs a Technical Overview. Technical overview for two Neon Lighting manuals produced by I.A.E.I.
Technical content and sample supervision for a video “Neon Rules!!! Safe Neon Installation” Test and workbook; Technical content and sample supervision for “The Neon Installation Guide”
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